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News of Association

Lithium-ion battery production project discussed with Chinese company Cospower

News of Association

Li-ion batteries are one of the strategic products in the age of modern technology. The Ozeltechanoat Association is carrying out a number of activities to create capacities for the production of this product in our country.

In the near future, it is planned to produce lithium-ion batteries in our country jointly with Nura Group, a member of the association, and the Chinese company Cospower.

At the meeting held yesterday in the Association, opinions were voiced on how the processes of implementing this project are going. The meeting was attended by the head of the association department Zafarjon Kamolov, the director of the Ohangaron Tech Industrial Technopark Jamshid Khidoyatov, representatives of the Nura Group and Cospower companies.

The Ohangaron Tech Industrial technopark is planned to be chosen as the location of production facilities, and analysis and research is currently being carried out.

The project implementers provided detailed information on the project implementation processes.

Representatives of the association emphasized that domestic and foreign enterprises will be provided with comprehensive support in the implementation of this project, and noted that possible solutions will be found jointly.

The goal of the project is to localize popular electrical products, create new jobs and, in general, increase the technological potential of our country. The Association will continue to support investors and local businesses in the implementation of such projects.